She's here!!! Everyone's been asking for this and I could hold out no longer! These are 18"x24" silkscreened prints, a limited edition of 50. Does it bug you guys that everything I make and sell here is always limited edition? Do you ever feel like "Get over it! Make an unlimited, infinite amount already! " Well, it's not going to happen so get used to it...besides , how cool are you feeling when you can say you got one when all your friends are pining after them long after they're gone? Pretty cool I'd imagine. See, it's all for you. I'm doing this all for you. And now I kind of feel like you owe me because this print turned out so fantastic. In the famous words of Janet Jackson (Miss.Jackson if your nasty) "What have you done for me lately?" Well, I know what you've done, you've bought this print! Nicely done fine sirs and ladies.